Vitamins vs. Ventilators and Vaccines

Carole Goldstein
4 min readApr 19, 2020
Anastasia Dulgier at upsplash

I have a friend who is a former family medicine practitioner. I respect her because I have had the opportunity to know her in a variety of settings. She is smart, ethical, self-reflecting and honest. It’s no wonder that we have been communicating about COVID-19. Yesterday she sent me an email that included the following:

I never realized until I left practice and stepped back to look at my medical education to find that I was trained to be a Big Pharma dispenser.

Like I said. Self-reflecting and honest. Its certainly rare but, thankfully, becoming less so.

Shiva Ayyadurai is running for the Senate in Massachusetts. He is an outspoken critic of Drs. Fauci and Birx, both of whom have life-long career financial ties to Big Pharma, the discredited World Health Organization (WHO), the Gates Foundation and Mark Zuckerberg.

In case the name is unfamiliar, in 1978, Ayyadurai was 14-years-old, working at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in New Jersey, He wrote over 50,000 lines of code which, along with prior developments in electronic mail systems, became what is known as “email.” In 1982, the United States government granted him the first copyright for “email.” He is also a scientist, engineer, and entrepreneur.

As with my friend, the former family practitioner, Ayyadurai knows the system from the inside out and comes with bona fides. He and my friend align on one specific point: Big Pharma and it’s minions such as Fauci and Birx, are the engine behind the deadly use of ventilators in treating COVID-19, the never-ending proliferation of vaccines, and the likely corresponding rise in auto-immune related illnesses.


Because its our immune system that is designed to keep us healthy and able to defend against bacterial and viral onslaught. Yet, these vaccines and indiscriminate use of antibiotics, combined with insufficient nutrition and vitamin deficiencies, weaken our immune systems. The solution, as touted by Big Pharma, is more drugs…more chemicals…pumped into our bodies. It’s a vicious cycle where the only loser is the general population.

I am not a doctor and have zero medical knowledge beyond what I read or learn from friends who are in medical related fields. But I am a thinker. I am also a lawyer.

What I conclude from the current experience is an escalated effort to use the moment (whether the origin of the crisis is accidental or deliberate) to solidify control of the general population and encroach upon what remains of our Constitutional rights to privacy, protection against unreasonable search and seizure, right to public assembly, freedom to practice religion, right to travel, and the ability to purchase a gun at a gun store. And then there is government takeovers of businesses, conscription of health care workers, even criminalizing the spread of “misinformation” about the virus.

I have heard it said recently, on more than one occasion, that every generation will face its own crisis. That this pandemic is ours. I disagree. Ours is the requirement, the calling, that we stand firm and refuse to be led into slavery by this unrelenting assault on our personal freedoms.

It is apparent to me that Drs. Fauci and Birx have been “feeling their way” through this crisis. Models, guidelines, findings, even recommendations change, sometimes day-to-day, as they try and paint a coherent picture and strategy. But they have failed to do so because no one knows what we are dealing with. Any thinking person can look at the inconsistency of symptoms, or lack thereof, disparities concerning effective treatment, and realize that whatever this is it remains unknown.

Well, most of life is unknown but we do not live in fear 24/7 and we do not stop living.

All this fear is hype to promulgate an agenda. That agenda is to obtain total control. If you think otherwise, then listen to former Obama Administration Chief-of-Staff Ram Emanuel who said during the 2008 financial collapse, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Politics, at its best, is a dirty game where winning, at any cost, is an acceptable means to that end.

Lone voices can make a difference. Voices like my friend’s and that of Shiva Ayyadurai. But, in the end, it will be up to you and me to join in the chorus and, together, broadcast a resounding and indefatigable “NO” to the purveyors of fear and slavery. This is the call of our generation. Now is the time for us to be heard.



Carole Goldstein

Lawyer, Psychic, Social Commentator, Mother and seeker of truth…not necessarily in that order.