Trump Isn’t The Problem He’s The Excuse

Carole Goldstein
4 min readAug 17, 2017

There is a lot of noise drowning out the truth about the protests that turned tragic in Charlottesville. The truth is that there was hate in Charlottesville from both the Right and the Left. Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists are the equal but opposite side of the spectrum from Antifa. The former are Fascists. The latter are Communists.

While so many are voicing condemnation of the President for not immediately condemning one set of protestors…they are willfully or negligently ignoring the other set. In fact Antifa and other Left protestors were, in many instances, hired help ( that not PC?). Yes, an LA based company called “Crowds on Demand” placed a Craig’s List ad seeking “actors and photographers” who would be paid $25 an hour for showing up to protest in Charlottesville.

I think we are going insane but its voluntary insanity born of the lack of critical thinking.

You know who Donald Trump is and why so many seem to be jumping on the collective bandwagon to hate him. But do you know who Richard Spencer and Alexander Dugin are? Probably not.

So let’s take a moment.

Richard Spencer is a White Supremacist and president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank. He was kicked out of the Republican CPAC annual convention. His wife, Nina Kouprianova, is Alexander Dugin’s official translator. Alexander Dugin is Vladimir Putin’s political advisor and known Fascist.

Paying attention yet?

Spencer has been skyping Dugin into U.S. universities to speak and further brainwash already co-opted U.S. college students who think that there is a something wonderful and nirvana-esque about the Bernie Sanders/ Hilary Clinton Left. You know Socialism… aptly described as “10 minutes ahead of Communism.”

If you think that the Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and KKK elected Donald Trump, do the math. There are 200,000 registered KKK members in the U.S. There is actually no way to know how many Nazis or White Supremacists there are because…well…they don’t register. But let’s give them a huge benefit of the doubt and say that there are as many of them as KKK members. That makes all three groups combined total 600,000. That’s isn’t enough votes to elect anyone President.

No. Donald Trump’s “base” was and is millions of fed up, middle and lower class Americans who had tired of the lies and manipulation by both parties. Now, those who cannot control him have combined with those who opposed him and they are hell bent on removing him from office.

The Republican hierarchy, the Democrat Party, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists; the KKK, Antifa, Putin…a group of really strange bedfellows…but with a common goal: destroy the United States and eradicate the U.S. Constitution. The Left thinks it will prevail and impose Communism. The Right thinks it will prevail and impose Facsism. Until then, they are happy to band together in organized chaos and perpetrate fear through violence.

I received an email hours ago from Hadassah, the Womens Zionist Organization of America. It was a call to action to stand against the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists of Charlottesville. I replied to them as follows:


I suggest you take a long, hard look at Antifa…they are the Communist Left which is the equivalent of the Nazi Right and they were in Charlottesville too… armed with bats and other weapons.

By the way, many of them were actually recruited and paid an hourly rate by an LA firm that HIRES PROTESTORS for events.

Here is the proof

Let we Jews not be played by either side. Any extremism is deadly and there is plenty to go around among both the Right and the Left.

Yes, America, we are being played. But it’s hardly a game and the outcome isn’t measured in tokens or chips. It ends with concentration camps or gulags…bedfellows today, tyrants and mass murderers alike tomorrow.

So let’s not allow the continued and deliberate manipulation of our psyches by a few…even arguably 600,000…when we are a nation of 325,000,000 free willed individuals who have fallen asleep at the wheel.

Can you hear the thump, thump, thump of the tires? You’re headed off the road and straight into a wall. I got out of the car a ways back. You’re out of time. Wake up! …thump…thump…thump…

Originally published at



Carole Goldstein

Lawyer, Psychic, Social Commentator, Mother and seeker of truth…not necessarily in that order.